Three Cheers to Twenty Years!


In 1999, Grand Connection started out as an idea; that event management services should be accessible to anyone at any size company.  We wanted the person who plans one small conference a year to have the same support as the event team that manages one hundred events a year.  Now, here we are almost 20 years later, and that small idea has turned into a thriving company that plans and supports events, conferences, training programs, board meetings, incentive trips…. well, the list goes on and on.  

So, to kick off our 20th year in business we have decided to redesign our website, push out more content via LinkedIn, and start blogging.  We have spent two decades growing and perfecting our trade, and now we would like to work on supporting the huge network of event managers, planners, and vendors out there, by sharing some of our experiences.  In events, when you know how to do something right, it’s usually because at some point you did it wrong and learned from your mistakes.  Our plan is to share tips and strategies based on our real-world experiences – from the nuts and bolts of planning meetings to the funny (and frightening) things that happen behind the scenes.

Thanks for reading and we hope you’ll come back and check on us from time to time.