
Happy Black History month!

This month we remember the African American men and women who pushed back against discrimination to create a better America for everyone. It is to remember those that have been omitted from the history books but have nonetheless had profound impact on the country and the world. It is also a month to reflect on how far we have come and to recognize how much more we must improve to honor their struggle and sacrifice.

An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.”

– Martin Luther King, Jr.

America has been described as the “melting pot” of the world, though its history often has not been friendly to those that made the journey to the States. Continuing the mission of those honored and remembered this month requires us to improve our melting pot to create a more inclusive America that respects and honors different cultures.

Meeting planners have the task of creating beautiful events that bring together people from all walks of life. Here at Grand Connection our job is often to bring people together from all over the world. We are fortunate enough to work with corporations that have a global reach and have personnel in several countries. We understand the importance of making everyone that attends the events we oversee to feel seen, cared for, and comfortable.

When developing an event there are many things to consider in order to create an experience that goes above and beyond the client’s expectations. While doing so, planners should take steps to create a more inclusive event for people of color, people in the LGBT community, people with different physical abilities, and people of other diverse groups that may be attending. We like the six tips Brandon Rafalson discusses in his blog post for Bizzabo. Some of these tips may not be right for every event, such as providing scholarships or inviting people outside of the client’s attendee list to a private event, but many are certainly important to keep in mind and implement at your next event.

We hope you take this month to remember the amazing African American men and women of history and to remember the importance of being inclusive, respectful, and embracing our differences.