It’s the time of year that we spend a lot of time looking back and imagining what comes next.  We celebrated 20 years in business in 2019, saw amazing growth in our business, hired some stellar new employees, and bought another company.   Wait.  What?  Yes, it’s true, we bought an incredible tour company with a character and legacy similar to ours. 

Gail Andrus Travel

Gail has been in business in Grand Rapids for over 37 years and has decided it’s time to retire.  When she contacted us to see if we were interested in purchasing the company we were thrilled!  This came at a perfect time for Grand Connection as we have just finished a time of reorganization to accommodate growth in the business.  We are so excited to be in the tour business.  It’s a perfect fit for what we do and because of that we have hit the ground running.   

So, as we look toward 2020 we are excited and delighted, but most of all we are thankful. 

Thankful for employees who go the extra mile, find solutions to every problem, and don’t know the meaning of the word no.

Thankful for vendors who have been our partners since day one.  We have always curated a team atmosphere where our successes are tied together and it shows.

Thankful for our clients, who give us the honor of working on their programs across the country and around the world. 

We have spent the last 20 years building a business and reputation that make us extremely proud.  Now, with the acquisition of Gail Andrus Travel we add to that foundation.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year.  Now let’s get to work.

Grand Connection